FREE Programming Course: HTML, Javascript, PHP – Lesson 1
I have created for you a free web programming course based on PHP. The course consists of video tutorials with concrete examples that will guide you step by step to learn the various concepts and to create truly functional code.
Recursion in Basic on Commodore 64 – The Tower of Hanoi
But is it possible to write a program in Basic for the Commodore 64 that uses the recursion technique? Today we will talk about Basic programming for the Commodore 64 and recursion and to do so we will borrow the famous game of the Tower…
Snowman, I program a game for the Commodore 64
Programmo un gioco totalmente in assembler per il commodore 64. Uno spunto per chi vuole capire come si sviluppavano i giochi negli anni 80.
Virtual JavaScript keyboard for HTML pages
Step by step tutorial, how to add a virtual keyboard to your HTML pages. Excellent free solution to create touchscreen interfaces, but not only.
Download the full package and try it now!
Control an IP camera with Arduino
How to control a motorized IP camera with Arduino to take pictures from different locations and post them online as if they came from different webcams? I’ll explain how to do it. In this article I explain how I made a webcam control system using…
View PDF documents with HTML5
Have you ever had the need to view PDF documents within web pages? If the answer is yes then don’t miss this article. Anyone who develops internet or intranet portals, especially in the industrial field, sooner or later faced the problem of how to easily…
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